OSM Industry Roadmap Project 2024
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CAST Report
26 Oct 2021
Construction Sees 300% Growth
27 September 2021
Consenting data relating to offsite construction solutions shows significant growth from 2011 to 2021. Prefabrication-intensive residential projects have increased 300% since 2011. See more insights in the infographic above or download a copy below.
This is the first snapshot of the extensive offsite research commissioned by PrefabNZ with support of MSD and undertaken by Prof John Tookey. More insights into sector capability & capacity and workforce opportunities will be released in the coming months.
Title: Targeted voluntary COVID-19 testing for building and construction workers
Body text: 30 September 2021
The Ministry of Health is undertaking targeted COVID-19 surveillance testing in Auckland in order to provide a level of assurance that there is a low risk of undetected community transmission prior to movement to Alert Level 2.
Given the increased movement as employees return to work, and people are able to visit these businesses (even in a contactless way), the Ministry of Health is asking businesses to support voluntary surveillance testing of their workers.
The particular areas of focus for this voluntary testing are the construction, hospitality, and retail sectors, who have returned to face to face work.
It is important to note the following:
Testing is not mandatory, but the Ministry of Health is encouraging employers to support their workers to undertake this testing while we are in Alert Level 3.
As this is a surveillance test, workers who choose to be tested do not need to isolate, unless they have symptoms.
Surveillance testing consists of one nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal/nostril swab taken, and a single follow up test in the following week (at least five days later) if we are still in Alert Level 3.The swab test is free, it is up to employers on what arrangements they make with their workers who choose to undergo this testing.
Workers already being tested (crossing the alert level boundary, border workers, etc) should not undergo additional testing.
Businesses wishing to support worker surveillance testing can encourage their workers to book and get tested at a community testing centre, GP or urgent care centre. There is no workplace testing proposed at this point. Click the link below to find your nearest testing location.